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Tuesday, 9 March 2010


Ok everyone, we're getting to some really serious stuff now so check out the link for some interesting information on British Politics.
What about the USA? What do you think David has to say about the political scene in the States?


carmen said...

Hi, I´m Carmen Acebedo (do you remember?) and I´ve got a question.
Why did you choose Nina´S Cabbage as the name of your blog? It´s a curiosity.
I hope to have more time the next year and keep learning english.
See you soon

nina said...

Hi Carmen!
Yes, of course I remember you. How are you doing? I'm sorry to have taken so long to answer your question but here it is .... It's a play on the words C.O.L.(curso(s) on-line) / coles = cabbages. My blog is a sort of online course, sort of ... Take care!

carmen said...

Thank you very much Nina, I´m more relaxed. See you soon