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Saturday, 22 January 2011

Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people. (Oscar Wilde)

Any 20 year-old who isn't a liberal doesn't have a heart, and any 40 year-old who isn't a conservative doesn't have a brain. (Winston Churchill)

It is not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings with the following quote but it does anticipate, in a way, the next topic which we will begin in February:
If you want something said, ask a man ... if you want something done, ask a woman. (Margaret Thatcher.)

On another note, teachers and students alike may find this, this or even this interesting.


María said...

Everybody knows that, in more or less percentage, any democracy is not the perfect way of running a country. It has some weak points, and the main one is people themselves. However it’s far better than dictatorship.
With regard to what Margaret Thatcher said, maybe woman in general could be more skilled at developing an activity, as well as men explaining something in an easier way. In any case, I’m not sure if this is what she tried to express by her words

Marta F. said...

I believe this is not only that men are able to express theirselves in an easier way, Maria, but also they spend more time talking about that, instead of doing what's neccesary to do. And that's the main difference between men and women (related to Margaret Tatcher comment, I think)

nina said...

Hmm... I think I'd better keep quiet on the Margaret Thatcher quote although I must just say I tend to agree with Marta!

gracia said...
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gracia said...

As a woman I agree with you. Although it is really nosy that any man of the class has made any comment on the words of Margaret Thatcher.I hope that someone does it:)

nina said...

Come on guys, speak up!

Cristóbal Auladell said...

Ok then, what do you want us to do? To say what we think, or to make a comment...

nina said...

Say what you think, definitely!

MARÍA JOSÉ said...

I agree with Winston Churchill and with Margaret Thatcher. The first one because that’s Life and the second one: We (men and women) are different, our brains are not the same. They (brains) work in a different way. "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus," In my opinion, Women are more practical and Men are more direct than women: women speak and speak and often go by the branches (nos vamos por las ramas, I don’t know if it’s correct or there is an English idiom). However, I think that M. Thatcher prefers women working than men. I know: My opinion is an slanted one.

Unknown said...

Here, in this link,

there is a video of a chilean psichologist, Pilar Sordo, which speech I find interesting in order to the next topic, because she speaks in a funny way about the differents between men and women.
Really, funny.

nina said...
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nina said...

Things are really warming up here despite falling temperatures outside. I did say I wouldn't get involved in this discussion but here goes .... I agree with Mª Jose and I think it's all about a woman's (or women's) capacity to MULTITASK because of the way they use their brains. Men don't use their brains ........................................(just teasing) in that way! Women's role in society has also reinforced the ability to do more than one thing at a time and has encouraged them to be doers rather than deliberators. The expression you were looking for, I think, is "beat about the bush". Ana, will watch the video this evening. Thank you!

Unknown said...

One of the theories about how women´s and men´s brains work is intimately related to the cavern age: Women specialized in the protection of the cavern developing so their peripheral sight. On the contrary, men had to specialize in providing food. Hunting, they developed the capacity for focusing on one element.
Moral: sorry guys, Margaret was right. Women can bear more responsabilities than men at the same period of time.....ejem..
Joking aside, I like thinking of men and women complementing each other, contributing their own skills both like different gender and human beings. Regarding to Churchill´s quote, though there´s some true in his words, I still believe that human beings can´t go ahead without Utopia, can he?

Unknown said...
