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Thursday, 6 December 2018

The quality, not the longevity, of one's life is what is important. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Here is audio 4.15 and the script and audio 4.16 and the script, and audios 17 and 18A healthy social life in your 20s may also be a key to longevity. Would you agree? Have at look at this in anticipation of the next couple of classes. Here are the materials from today. Enjoy the long weekend!


Eligio Vallejo said...

Thank you very much Nina.
Yesterday I enjoyed a lot. It was a very interesting work class.
See you on Monday!

nina said...

Thank you E, as always, for your positive comments. Enjoy the long weekend and your English :)

Unknown said...

Many thanks,Nina.
Yesterday class was very interesting,as well as the previous extra one. I have learnt quite a lot in both classes.

Tere Infante.

nina said...

I´m glad to hear it :) Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Thank you,Nina. I will do it.
Thanks for your positive comments.
I will give the best of me.
See you on Tuesday.

Tere Infante.