Watching TV is the most popular leisure activity in Britain. I find that very depressing. (Jeremy Paxman)
Here is the audio script for the dictation, recordings 4.17 and 4.18, and the presentation and classroom notes, groups B, C and D, for Topic 4. See if you can work out the difference between present perfect simple and continuous. Listen to audios 5.9.1 and 5.9.2 and answer the questions on the worksheet. Check out talking about the future here in anticipation of next week's classes. Think about your plans for Christmas. How are you going to spend the time? Meanwhile, make the most of the weekend!
Thanks Nina. Have a nice weekend
You, too, A. Enjoy the time with family, friends and English :)
Hi Nina,
I'm here again ... .
I'll try to do the homework.
Thanks a lot!
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