Thursday, 23 May 2019

I quit flying years ago. I don't want to die with tourists. (Billy Bob Thornton)

Here is the guía para el alumnado de idiomas (PTEC 2018-2019) and Y's summary of the writing tasks. Check out the answers to the last homework exercises. Here are the audios for slide 9, parts one and two, and the audio script. You can also listen to audio 12.10 again and read the audio script. Have a look at how to describe your travelling experience by flight and the classroom notes for Topic 12, groups B, C and D. Then read, read, and read some more! 


Unknown said...

Thank you very much.
Have a nice weekend!
See you on Tuesday.

Tere Infante

nina said...

Thank you. You too :)

Eligio Vallejo said...

Thanks a lot, Nina.
See you tomorrow.

nina said...

Thank you, T. I hope you had a good weekend, too. See you tomorrow :)