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Sunday, 5 January 2020

Book 1 2020 Stranger than Fiction: Urban Myths

Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book. (Jim Rohn)

Here is the book so you can do the exercises and activities at the back. Check out the answers here. You will be asked to summarise the stories in your own words so have a look at this and learn how. You have two weeks. Start practising! 


Unknown said...

Happy new year Nina !!!
I love your blog. There are a lot of interesting articles, speakings, etc.
All this texts help me a lot to improve my english.

Many thanks for all this material.

My best wishes for 2020

Cristina García B1N1 now B2 with Yolanda !!

nina said...

Many thanks to you, Cristina, for your comments. I wish you all the best for the coming year and your studies.